Book Brenda


Hillsville, Virginia Plant-Based Cooking Classes


Carroll County Public Library
101 Beaver Dam Rd, Hillsville, VA 24343

August 5, 2024 (Monday), 5:30 - 7:00PM
Diabetes: Does Food Matter?

The road to diabetes does not have to be a one-way street. There is reason for hope! People who eat plant-based meals are less likely to ever develop diabetes, and for those who have diabetes, plant-based meals can help to improve blood sugar levels and prevent complications. These meals are affordable and can be quite delicious and satisfying. A low, fat, plant-based approach offers a new tool that many have found to be very useful. Review the latest science behind this approach and consider some simple ideas for getting started. This class will include information from the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, a cooking demonstration, sampling, and distribution of recipes and resources to take home.


September 3, 2024 (Tuesday), 5:30 - 7PM
Plant-Based 101: What are the Benefits of Eating a Plant-Based Diet & How to Make it a Lifestyle

This class will cover the basics of plant-based eating and cooking. Brenda will share her health transformation story & how she has managed to switch to a plant-based diet & make it a lifestyle. She will be making some delicious recipes and providing samples for participants. Recipes and resources will be available for attendees.


October 21, 2024 (Monday), 5:30 - 7PM
Let’s Beat Breast Cancer

Half a century ago, the United States declared a “war on cancer,” yet current statistics predict that during our lifetime, one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Research has shown that more than one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States are due to poor diet, yet most are unaware of the connection. This class will cover the 4 steps that are essential for preventing breast cancer. This class features a video, discussion, and the opportunity to taste plant-based dishes, following a cooking demonstration. Resources and recipes will be shared with all participants.


November 4, 2024 (Monday), 5:30 - 7PM
Plant-Based Holiday Recipes

Wouldn’t it be great to enjoy the holidays while also enjoying healthy foods? Wouldn’t it be great
to make it through the holidays feeling good and not packing on the pounds? This class will cover some delicious plant-based holiday foods you can make for yourself and your family. Cooking demonstration and sampling are included. Recipes and resources will be distributed to all participants.


Register for the September Class Here