Will you join me in my journey?
Sep 10, 2020
Time has a way of teaching us some important lessons. Some easy lessons, but some very hard lessons. I’ve learned a few in my lifetime. I’d love to share some things I’ve learned. Hopefully, it might help you or encourage you. I’d love to just be a friend to you. Maybe one of your older friends? I’d love to compel you to make positive changes in your life that will empower you to be all that God has created you to be. I look forward to this journey with you. I look forward to where it will lead us both. Let me start by introducing myself.
My Life Forever Changed
I’m the wife of Mark for 40 years, a mother to 4 children, and a grandmother to 9 grandchildren. I met Jesus almost 50 years ago and it forever changed my life. It gave me a totally different outlook with eternity in mind. I homeschooled my kids, kindergarten through 12th grade and survived. I’ve worked outside the home, doing various jobs down through the years, always learning new skills that I could take with me into the next season. Boy do the seasons go fast.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I have managed to figure out a few things in my 60 years of life. 60….wow…that seems so old when you see it in print. I don’t feel old. I’ve made my share of mistakes down through the years. Boy, have I. It wasn’t until later in my life that I realized the power of my mindset (thoughts). I realized that I was created in the likeness of God and He is really creative. I just needed to learn to utilize what He had given me. When I was younger, I felt very limited. I didn’t have any confidence in myself. I look forward to seeing what is next for me. I am still learning. This is still a journey for me, because I haven’t reached the end yet. Will you join me in my journey?
Committing My Body to Move Forward
During Covid-19, I developed high blood pressure. I already had high cholesterol for years, but never high blood pressure before now. It really scared me. I suddenly realized that I was on my way to heart disease if I didn’t do something different. I knew I had to commit to taking care of my body moving forward.
I had already been introduced to Whole Food Plant Based eating and my doctor highly supported this way of eating for me. So, I committed myself to eating this way. Within a few weeks, my blood pressure meds were cut in half. Later these meds were discontinued. My blood pressure returned to normal. After a few months, my cholesterol meds were cut in half. As of today, I’m hoping this med will be discontinued in the near future. I’m still on this journey and honestly, loving it.
Life without kids was a major change for me. My house was always full and loud. Remember my kids were with me 24/7. Once our youngest married and moved, the house was way too quiet. I have survived the empty nest. Not only that, I’ve thrived. I miss my full house, but I’ve adjusted. By the way, they come back to visit. This summer, we had 19 people in our house for a week. 10 adults and 9 children. It was great. I’m glad they keep coming back to visit. I love family.
What is your story? Are you facing health issues? Are you facing an empty nest and wonder if you will survive? Have you become a homeschool teacher during Covid-19 and don’t know if you will survive? What does your journey look like? How can I encourage you?